People writing glowing reviews have not played past the first few levels. On easy it is possible to quickly finish a map with a perfect score. On hard it is doable until the later levels and then it becomes impossible to complete perfectly no matter what towers you choose. In addition you can do the same map, same towers, same placement and get totally different results since often the towers choose who they shoot at randomly. Makes trying to build a strategy by trial and error impossible which is what TD is all about.
Also, why are the endless maps with static routes? Eventually you will get overrun so what is the point of making a static route map endless? Why cant you see the map before you pick your towers? Why do you have combo towers but only allow 5 at a time? What a total waste of strategic possibilities.
Finally the controls are way to finicky. The 3d is nice but you run a TD game from top down and every time you zoom in and out it rotates too easily. Way to hard to get the screen just to see a top down view without going to the options menu. Also agree with last post to get rid of the stupid cut scenes before every map. Having to pointlessly tap 4 times through is a real pain and no one reads those.
A good start but this one needs a lot of work to be ranked up with the best.
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